Disclaimer and Restrictions

D-Squared is not an investment firm. It is a software platform built by HessianX that hosts vaults which are traded by BWS Labs. The vaults are not risk-free and use of them could lead to the loss of up to 100% of your capital. Risk include market risk (the value of underlying crypto-currencies falls), performance risk (the vault strategies lose money), smart contract risk (bugs or hacks in code both in D-Squared contracts and in those of the protocols the vaults use), regulatory risk to both the vault user and vault operator. D-Squared is a new protocol and also subject to the increased risk of start-ups when attempting to achieve user adoption and product-market fit.

There are geographical restrictions on participation in D-Squared fund-raising rounds and also on user access to the vaults.

Residents or citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Belarus, Burundi, Myanmar (Burma), Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Crimea and Sevastopol, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Paraguay, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Switzerland, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe or any other country to which the United States, the United Kingdom or the European Union embargoes goods or imposes similar sanctions (collectively, "Restricted Territories") are not permitted to participate in the Token Generation Event (TGE). By participating in the event, you certify you are neither a citizen nor a resident of those countries.

Last updated